When referring to applications built as a suite of small services (microservices) it means that each service generally contains its own business function, run within its own context, with its own resources. Microservices can communicate with other services in a loosely coupled way, allowing developers to implement each service as its own self-contained action, which provides a lot of flexibility and reuse of developed components. Developing microservices for application design and development ensures that systems are robust, supportable, and can be developed quickly. Microservices is a fundamental pillar of INTRASOFT’s Core Banking solution PROFITS®, helping Banks and Financial Institutions to transform to a modern architecture and enabling them to make high-impact changes frequently, seamlessly, and predictably.

oProfits Omnichannel

PROFITS® Core Banking System’s Omnichannel breaks down banking services into independent and fully scalable microservices, that allow for rapid deployment and flexibility for change. The result is a modular architecture containing hundreds of individually deployable, highly independent services such as the login process, onboarding procedures, account and product catalogs, messaging processes, document services, loans, deposits, payments, and others. These are all exposed as well-defined services that can be managed independently.

PROFITS® Microservices

PROFITS® microservices are exposed via REST and SOAP, offering a high level of security, incorporating practices such as oAuth, one-time authentication codes, multi-factor authorisations, biometrics integration and digital signatures. APIs exposed include comprehensive swagger documentation, allowing for fast integration, consumption, testing and deployment. Microservices provided offer logging and auditing on each layer, simplifying the tracing and monitoring of each component’s behavior, as well as making fraud detection easy.

Microservices Management with Middleware
Microservices Management with Middleware

Middleware is essential for managing microservices at scale, allowing for greater application awareness and control as the management of these microservices becomes more and more complex. INTRASOFT can help run microservices for organisations at scale with middleware, to achieve faster time to market, and fast innovation through simultaneous development and testing, as well as increasing efficiency through process automation.

Embrace a Microservice Architecture
Embrace a Microservice Architecture

INTRASOFT International helps organisations to embrace a microservice architecture, a componentisation software model via services, to build an organisation around business capabilities, to focus on products not projects, and to build applications that aim to be as decoupled and as cohesive as possible. Decentralised governance and data management, as well as infrastructure automation are key principles of an microservice architecture, and INTRASOFT will encourage organisations to take the next step.
